Slate: Pew Study Says that Millennials are Actually Well Read Library Users

This article is related to the discussion of Crisis/feigning Crisis and it’s effect of the American educational system…The Pew study is revealing it’s fabrication, but I think educational companies will use this to sell more of it’s new media services.

The article makes me think of the “generational divide” that Losh mentioned, it’s relation to a technological divide, and how millennials–who, I am guessing, makes up a few of us in the New Media Literacies class–relate to their older/younger peers/students in the classroom/any learning environment. Is there a dynamic that we should explore?

Anyways, let me stop rambling.

Quote from the article:

“What’s more, libraries are not a cherished refuge of the old, but a destination for the young: In a September 2013 survey, 50 percent of respondents between the ages of 16 and 29 had used a library in the past year, compared with 47 percent of their older counterparts, and 36 percent of people under 30 had used a library website in that same time frame; compared with 28 percent of the over-30s…”

Read the Slate article. Read the actual study.

Tell me what y’all think,



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